Rockmen Insd Hello GoodBye 2011 - 2012
Rockmen House Stage#1
Jl. Trunojoyo 15 Bandung
End of Season up to 70% (Dec 19th - 31st)
Trunojoyo Fest Volume #1 (Dec 23rd - 25th)
Vampire Weekend (Donor Darah) (Dec 24th)
Rockmen Shop Stage #2
Jl. Jawa no 33 Surabaya
End of Season Sale up to 70% off Dec 19th - 31st
Rockmen Shop Stage #3
Jl. Boulevard Ruko Jasper II Makassar
End of Season Sale up to 70% (Dec 19th - 31st)
Vampire Weekend (Donor Darah)
Accoustic Tribute to Superglad (Dec 24th)
Fingerboard Competition (Dec 24th)
Rockmen Shop Stage #4
Jl. Cendrawasih 8 Jogjakarta
End of Season (Dec 19th - 31 st)
Rockmen House Stage#1
Jl. Trunojoyo 15 Bandung
End of Season up to 70% (Dec 19th - 31st)
Trunojoyo Fest Volume #1 (Dec 23rd - 25th)
Vampire Weekend (Donor Darah) (Dec 24th)
Rockmen Shop Stage #2
Jl. Jawa no 33 Surabaya
End of Season Sale up to 70% off Dec 19th - 31st
Rockmen Shop Stage #3
Jl. Boulevard Ruko Jasper II Makassar
End of Season Sale up to 70% (Dec 19th - 31st)
Vampire Weekend (Donor Darah)
Accoustic Tribute to Superglad (Dec 24th)
Fingerboard Competition (Dec 24th)
Rockmen Shop Stage #4
Jl. Cendrawasih 8 Jogjakarta
End of Season (Dec 19th - 31 st)